Our organization

To bring our vision to life, we focus on four core activities and two partners.

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4 activities and 2 partners

Banque des Territoires

Banque des Territoires supports local areas and their stakeholders by offering solutions tailored to local challenges, including advice, financing in the form of loans and equity investments, and project support

With its network of 16 regional offices and two subsidiaries, CDC Habitat and SCET, it offers a comprehensive range of engineering and project structuring services. 

Banque des Territoires supports local authorities, social housing organisations, local public companies, legal professionals, businesses and financial players across all regions, with the aim of combating social inequality and regional divides, and fostering more inclusive, more sustainable, more attractive and more connected regions.

The Social Policy division

The Social Policy division supports people throughout their lives. 

It contributes to social cohesion and reducing regional divisions by working mainly in five areas: pensions, vocational training, disability, and elderly care and health. 

The Social Policy division manages more than 70 funds and is the partner of choice for 55,000 public sector employers, providing reliable and innovative solutions to its customers and public authorities.

It has launched the Mon compte formation app and the Mon Parcours Handicap platform for people with disabilities. It also offers solutions to tackle the challenges of an ageing population.


Asset management Department

The Asset Management division manages all of Caisse des Dépôts’ (bonds, equities, unlisted investments, property, forests, etc.) financial investments, carried on the balance sheets of the Savings Funds and the Central Sector. 

As the leading public asset manager with over €244 billion in assets under management and as France's fourth biggest institutional investor, the division takes a responsible, long-term view and invests in all asset classes, directly or through its subsidiaries.)


To learn more about the Asset management Department, see our presentation : 



Management of strategic holdings

The strategic investments department is in charge of acquisition, creation and divestiture operations, and is responsible for guiding shareholder activity in around twenty companies in which Caisse des Dépôts is a reference shareholder. 

Our shareholder policy is guided by three criteria: the Caisse des Dépôts’ patrimonial interests, the corporate interests of the target entity and its employees, and general interest.

We steer our subsidiaries with three types of objectives in mind: financial objectives, extra-financial objectives and governance principles.

In 2021, we completed large-scale operations, including taking equity stakes in the capital of Suez, fortifying our investment in GRTGaz and opening Egis’ capital to a new financial partner. We also provided support to Compagnie des Alpes and Euronext, assisting with significant recapitalisation operations. 



Bpifrance finances businesses at each stage of their development, through loans, guarantees and equity. It supports start-ups and SMEs by providing advice, training and networking as well as an acceleration programme.



La Poste Group

La Poste Group serves the French people by offering useful services adapted to their needs.

It supports the major green, regional, demographic and digital transitions impacting society and seeks to provide its retail and business customers alike with close, trust-based support.




Consult the organization chart of the Caisse des Dépôts Group



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