Alongside local authorities to support the local economy

Caisse des Dépôts

Banque des Territoires


Banque des Territoires, alongside several local authorities, is mobilising to create funds for the benefit of small businesses and associations the activity of which is impacted by the health crisis. The aim is to complement the initiatives already launched so that some structures do not go without support.

This solidarity of the EPCI (Etablissements publics de coopération intercommunale or Public bodies for intermunicipal cooperation), Départements and Regions, supported by Banque des Territoires, is a strong response to the economic and associative world, and an encouragement to prepare for the post-crisis period with strong and immediately operational local players.

Grand Est Region, South Region and Pays de la Loire Region have already set up their funds, and others will do so.

Thus, on 30 March, Grand Est Region and Banque des Territoires, in partnership with the departmental councils and the EPCIs of Grand Est Region, created Résistance, a €44mn fund, of which €11mn was contributed by Banque des Territoires, with each of the local authorities contributing €2 per inhabitant. This support will take the form of repayable cash advances to strengthen the cash position of associations, entrepreneurs, micro-entrepreneurs and small businesses affected by the health crisis.

Since 2 April, the Haute-Marne département has benefited from a départementael version of this regional scheme.

In the same spirit, South Region and Banque des Territoires launched the €20mn Covid Résistance Fund on 1 April, which has the same objectives as the Resistance Fund.

Pays de la Loire Region, in partnership with Banque des Territoires, created the territorial Resilience Fund on 3 April, bringing together the five départements, the major local authorities and a large number of EPCIs from the outset. The aim is to help companies with fewer than 10 employees to meet their cash requirements. Banque des Territoires is contributing to the launch of the Resilience Fund with €7.9mn.

On 10 April, New Aquitaine Region and Banque des Territoires launched a €24mn local fund to support shopkeepers, craftsmen, local services and associations involved in the social and solidarity-based economy.