On the eve of the 5th anniversary of the Paris Climate Agreement, Bpifrance becomes a member of the One Planet Sovereign Wealth Funds (OPSWF) international initiative, which federates international sovereign wealth funds mobilised to contribute to the transition towards a more sustainable economy.
The actions carried out by Bpifrance to contribute to the green transition of the economy fit perfectly within the framework of the OPSWF initiative, in particular its Climate Plan with Banque des Territoires.
Bpifrance will significantly step up its support for the ecological and energy transition to reach nearly €6bn per year by 2023, mobilised via all of its business lines.
These actions include :
- Bpifrance is currently developing performance indicators to assess the carbon footprint, climate exposure and climate change risks associated with its portfolio, taking into account the transition trajectories of companies and their business sectors ;
- Bpifrance will put in place, for each of its stakes, roadmaps of commitment on climate and other environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues;
- Bpifrance will invest more than €300m in venture capital to stimulate green innovation in support of private investment, generating an expected leverage effect of €1.5bn. In total, through all its investment vehicles, Bpifrance will deploy €2.5bn to build a sustainable and resilient technological ecosystem;
- Bpifrance will distribute a climate kit to private asset management companies.
We are very proud to join the OPSWF initiative. As a French sovereign fund and the leading subscriber on the national private equity market, we wish to participate in accelerating the profound change in the ecosystem towards a more sustainable development model.
Nicolas Dufourcq, CEO of Bpifrance
To find out more, access the press release (in French)
The OPSWF initiative was launched at the One Planet Summit in December 2017 in Paris. Its objective: to get an investment community to adhere to its principles to improve the impact and distribution of international equity and thus contribute to a gradual energy transition, gradually leading to a more sustainable and less polluting economy.