Bpifrance's 2018 results: a strong performance in a difficult market environment



With a net profit of €1,035mn, Bpifrance recorded a strong financial performance in 2018, despite a difficult environment on the financial markets and in a context of low interest rates. This result reflects the good commercial and operational performance of all Bpifrance's businesses, and its rigorous control of costs and risks.

Reaching €1,035mn, Bpifrance’s 2018 profit has risen (+30.9%) compared to that of 2017. This activity has continued in all business lines:

  • financing has experienced a record year: it has risen to €19bn in 2018, improving by 11% compared with 2017;
  • equity investments have risen to €2bn, of which €1.1bn in direct investments;
  • export activity1 has risen to €16.5bn;
  • 77% of funded companies benefit from support with SME and intermediate-sized enterprise accelerators

The group’s financial solidity has been confirmed at a high level as attested to by its different own fund and liquid asset ratios.


(1) Including credit export (€300mn)