Caisse des Dépôts with Paris for the climate

Caisse des Dépôts

Energie et environnement

On 7 November, Caisse des Dépôts, together with 12 other entities, signed the Paris Action Climat Charter. It is committed alongside the City of Paris to implementing concrete actions to reduce the ecological footprint of its activity, better preserve resources and enhance eco-design.

In March 2018, Paris adopted its Climate Plan, which sets targets for a carbon-neutral and 100% renewable energy Paris by 2050. Within this framework, the City is developing partnerships with players based in Paris to set concrete targets. They can sign the Paris Action Climat Charter.

Thanks to the 13 new entities that joined the scheme on 7 November, 70 companies and organisations are now committed to combating climate change collectively and to take up the challenge of limiting the rise in global warming to 1.5°C.

The 13 new signatories:

Platinum Level1: La Poste Group, Schneider Electric, Utopies.

Gold level : Altarea Cogedim, Carbone 4, EDF, French Tennis Federation / Roland Garros, Franprix, Caisse des Dépôts Group2, Casino Group, Le Louvre, Monoprix, Salesforce.

Caisse des Dépôts is thus committed to the second generation of the partnership initiated in October 2016 in favour of the City of Paris' Climate Plan in :

  • Supporting Paris' vision of a carbon neutral city with 100% renewable energy by 2050 ;
  • Adopting a 1.5° strategy by 2030, as defined by SDG3, and implementing actions to contribute to the chosen SDGs;
  • Contributing through its actions to the achievement of this objective;
  • Involving its employees in the approach;
  • Participating in the work of the partners' club;
  • Reportiing on the progress of its work to the partner club.

To find out more, visit the Paris Action Climat website.



(1) Note that Icade was already a signatory of the Charter at the Platinum level.

(2) Note that CDC was already a partner of the 2014-2020 Charter.

(3) SDG: United Nations Sustainable Development Goals