CUBE.S: secondary schools invited to take up the challenge of the energy transition

Caisse des Dépôts

Energie et environnement


Ready to take up the challenge of energy savings? Let's go to CUBE.S, a challenge launched on 21 February to secondary schools. The concept: reducing energy consumption by measuring energy and greenhouse gas emissions savings in schools over a one-year period.

François de Rugy, Minister of Ecological and Inclusive Transition, and Jean-Michel Blanquer, Minister of National Education and Youth, officially launched the Energy Savings Certificates programme (Certificats d’économies d’énergie, CEE), CUBE.S surrounded by students from Les Hautes Rayes’ secondary school (Yvelines), in the presence of teaching staff, local authorities and partners, including Banque des Territoires.

Les Hautes Rayes’ secondary school is a model student: it has reduced its energy consumption by 12% in 2 years. It will continue this virtuous approach by accepting to take on a new challenge. 46 schools are already registered, with a target of 1,000 schools over time.

Banque des Territoires supports CUBE.S. Conscious of environmental and energy challenges, it falls within the programme set out by the Grand Investment Plan (Grand Plan d’Investissement) on the energy renewal of public buildings and offers accompaniment through its offers and schemes (GPI AmBRE, Intracting).

