Investing in the future: Putting the Long Term at the Heart of our Decisions

Caisse des Dépôts


Following his report Investing in the long term, short term urgency commissioned in 2021 by Eric Lombard, the Director General of Caisse des Dépôts, Bernard Attali, Honorary Master Counselor at the Court of Auditors, submitted at the end of May the conclusions of the group of economists and finance practitioners he had gathered over recent months to update his reflections in the light of the new challenges Europe must face.

Environmental crisis, geopolitical crisis, energy crisis...

Since the publication of his last report in 2022, numerous major events have followed one another and we have experienced an acceleration of time in Europe and the world. Geopolitical tensions have highlighted international fragmentation, prompting the reconsideration of themes such as economic and energy sovereignty.

On the climate front, extreme events require massive investments for the transition to carbon neutrality with renewed urgency.

In addition, a new technological cycle, driven in particular by data and artificial intelligence, opens up new opportunities but also poses challenges in terms of regulation, employment and respect for the general interest.


In this context and in the face of this acceleration of change, the Attali Commission recalls the fundamental importance of the long time which, more than ever, concerns us all. Several recent reports, including those by Enrico Letta, Christian Noyer and soon that of Mario Draghi, address the issue of long-term financing in Europe.

But the Attali Commission proposes a new approach by focusing on the actors of transformation, whether they are citizens, financial intermediaries or public authorities who must all adopt a long-term perspective.


Download the full report and know more:

Investing in the future: Putting the Long Term at the Heart of our Decisions – Attali Commission Report