Investing in the residential sector with CDC Investissement Immobilier

CDC Investissement Immobilier

Immobilier et logement

On 19 September, CDC Investissement Immobilier announced the acquisition, on behalf of Caisse des Dépôts, of a 50-unit residential building in Vanves (92) from the developers OGIC and Care Promotion, thus pursuing its investment strategy in the residential sector.

This strategy is primarily geared towards new apartment blocks in Paris or the 1st suburb, with a high rental demand. With a portfolio of more than €1.4bn, the residential sector accounts for more than a quarter of the real estate investments held by Caisse des Dépôts and managed by its subsidiary CDC Investissement Immobilier.

Located within easy reach of the city centre and shops, the building will comprise 2,858 sq.m. worth of living space for 50 homes and as many parking spaces, intended to be let out through market rent leases. It has high energy certifications in its sights. Delivery is scheduled for the 3rd quarter of 2021.