One year after joining the Business for Nature-Act4Nature platform, then the Finance for Biodiversity coalition in September 2020, Caisse des Dépôts presented its first Biodiversity Action Plan at the One Planet Summit held on 11 January in Paris.
This plan is based on 4 axes and will be supplemented by the subsidiaries' respective action plans:
1. Measuring its footprint on biodiversity, notably via the Global Biodiversity Score launched by CDC Biodiversité. Caisse des Dépôts is committed to measuring the biodiversity footprint of all its asset portfolios by 2024. All Banque des Territoires' investment projects are subject to an analysis of their extra-financial impacts, particularly environmental impacts.
2. Reducing its negative impacts on biodiversity, both direct and indirect, in particular by questioning the companies in which it is a shareholder on their biodiversity preservation strategy, at the rate of 2 sectors per year. Caisse des Dépôts excludes from its financing companies whose turnover is more than 10% dependent on non-conventional energy sources that have an impact on the climate and ecosystems. It will limit the impact of its internal operations on biodiversity.
3. Increasing its positive impacts in favour of biodiversity. Caisse des Dépôts will help to meet the annual financing requirement to preserve and restore biodiversity1: Banque des Territoires is mobilising €3bn over the period 2020-2024 in favour of biodiversity preservation projects as part of the Caisse des Dépôts recovery plan. Caisse des Dépôts and its subsidiaries will continue their commitment within the Nature 2050 programme.
4. Supporting research and training. Through the Mission Economie de la Biodiversité (Biodiversity Economics Mission) entrusted to CDC Biodiversité, Caisse des Dépôts will devote €8m (period 2020-2024) to research and innovation in favour of the preservation and restoration of biodiversity. All its asset managers will be trained in biodiversity issues by 2022.
Financial institutions must play a key role in biodiversity conservation because they have important means for action, through their financing choices, to encourage the transition of businesses and local stakeholders. Caisse des Dépôts is actively committed to measuring the biodiversity footprint of economic players and to managing the footprint of its financing in order to reduce its direct and indirect impacts on nature.
Eric Lombard, Chief Executive Officer of the Caisse des Dépôts Group
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