Supporting the renewal of industry in Alsace

Caisse des Dépôts

Banque des Territoires


On 1st February, Eric Lombard, Chief Executive Officer of Caisse des Dépôts, participated in the signing of the Project for the Future of the Fessenheim Territory with a view to the closure of the nuclear power plant in 2020, and in the reception of the first occupants of the KM0 site, a digital village serving the digital transformation of the industry.

Taking part in industrial revival in Fessenheim

The Fessenheim territorial project, presented by François de Rugy - Minister of ecological and inclusive transition - and Emmanuelle Wargon - Secretary of State to the Minister - was signed on 1 February by many partners including Caisse des Dépôts’ Banque des Territoires, alongside relevant French and German institutions and authorities.

This project is divided into 5 main strategic focuses:

  • creating employment and added value as part of the territory’s economic conversion;
  • improve service to the territory and mobility;
  • make the territory a model for transitioning to a new energy era;
  • make the territory a model for industrial and future energy innovation;
  • bring the territorial project to life through shared governance.

As regards this last focus, a mixed-ownership company bringing together French and German institutional stakeholders - EDF and Caisse des Dépôts - will be created to quickly transition from project to action.

The KMO site welcomes its first occupants

In Mulhouse, Eric Lombard visited KMO, the digital village for digital transformation in the industry, which welcomed its first occupants on 1 February. With support from Banque des Territoires through an investment of €320,000 as from its launch in 2017, the KM0 project aimed to be a precursor to the Territoires d’industrie strategy launched by the government in 2018 to accelerate development in highly industrial territories.

KM0 is comprised of 2 buildings located in the heart of the La Fonderie district, which is part of the Nouveau programme de renouvellement urbain (NPNRU, new programme for urban renewal). Established on a reconverted industrial wasteland, it is home to an ecosystem of digital stakeholders, companies and training organisations since 23 January, who, in April, will be joined by start-ups and an experimental laboratory.

Banque des Territoires is one of the public operators selected to support the new initiatives set out by the Territoires d’industrie project. For this purpose, it will take action in Alsace by providing advice, engineering support, funding from loans and equity investments.