Transdev: buses in Dunkirk, the Czech Republic, and even New Zealand!



Transdev will continue to operate buses in Dunkirk, where public transport is free, while becoming the 4th bus operator in the Czech Republic and making a first foray into the New Zealand bus market.

A long-standing operator in Dunkirk

Transdev has just obtained the renewal of its agreement to operate public transport in Dunkirk, of which it is the incumbent operator, for a further period of 5 years and 4 months.

The network includes 18 bus lines, two night lines, two on-demand transport services and a school transport offer. These activities are operated by a fleet of 135 buses and 300 drivers, which travels approximately 9.3 million km per year.

Since the introduction of free public transport in Dunkirk in September 2018, and with the improvement in the quality of service provided by Transdev, the traffic has exceeded 16 million trips per year, an increase of around 80% compared to 2017.

Expanding its network in the Czech Republic

After taking over its bus business in the Czech Republic in 2018, Transdev has just acquired the 3CSAD group and becomes the 4th bus operator in this country, mainly in the Moravia-Silesia region. This activity is operated by 1,100 employees for 410 buses.

In total, Transdev Czech Republic currently employs 1,350 people and has a fleet of 600 buses. The objective is to grow in the bus sector and, in the longer term, to enter the regional rail market.

After suburban trains, buses in New Zealand

Transdev has just announced its project to buy the New Zealand operators Howick and Eastern Buses (Auckland) and Mana Coach Services (Wellington) from Souter Investments.

This is Transdev's first foray into this country for buses, with the Group already operating commuter trains in Auckland and Wellington.

The two acquisitions represent a total fleet of 211 buses and 346 employees.