Transdev Canada strengthened with Voyago



On 11 April, Transdev Canada announced the acquisition of Voyago, a mobility operator specializing in passenger transportation, and a major and recognized family business in the province of Ontario, Canada. With Voyago, Transdev Canada will carry 36 million passengers per year with 1,780 vehicles and 2,600 employees.

With €44mn in revenue in 2018, Voyago is a well-known family company, with 40 years of history, acting in many mobility segments:

  • school transport;
  • passenger transport between health establishments;
  • collective conventional and specialised transport;
  • minibus service linking the headquarters of institutions and of private establishments;
  • on-demand limousine services.

With €82mn in revenue in 2018, Transdev Canada’s activities are mainly concentrated in Quebec, and particularly in the metropolitan region of Montreal, and in Ontario, in the region of Toronto. Through urban transport, school transport, adapted transport and inter-urban transport, travellers journey 40 million kms per year, with thanks to 1,300 employees.

This acquisition is in keeping with the Transdev group’s strategy to refocus on the local authority market - which already made up over 89% of its €6.9mn revenue in 2018 - as well as the corporate market.

Transdev Canada Activités et implantations géographiques

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