Digital: using the blockchain to authenticate documents

Caisse des Dépôts


On 13 May, Caisse des Dépôts, EDF, Engie and La Poste* announced the launch of Archipels, a partnership that will enable them to develop a blockchain infrastructure for the provision of digital trust services, such as document authentication, for natural and legal persons.

This infrastructure will be presented during the VivaTech exhibition based on a first pilot relating to documentary certification and the fight against fraud on the website: the blockchain allows users to certify and check documents containing rights, and in this case Engie or EDF invoices used as proof of domicile.

According to the National Anti-Fraud Delegation (Délégation Nationale à la Lutte contre la Fraude, DNLF), fraudulent documents resulted in the loss of €8bn in France in 2017.


* Through its Docaposte subsidiary