Investing in Terres Neuves, the largest photovoltaic farm in Normandy

Caisse des Dépôts

Banque des Territoires

Energie et environnement

On 15 May, West Energies and Banque des Territoires signed the acquisition of the largest photovoltaic farm in Normandy, for a total amount of €12.3mn: Les Terres Neuves, located in Saint-Etienne-sous Bailleul and La Chapelle-Longueville.

Developed by company RES, this 18-hectare farm located on a former industrial site will be up and running in the coming weeks. It is comprised of 127,800 photovoltaic panels for an installed capacity of 15.3 MWp*: the electricity consumed by 6,000 households.

With this acquisition, Banque des Territoires offers its support to a project providing structure in the field of renewable energies and supports West Energies - a mixed capital enterprise in which it holds shares - with the fulfilment of its business plan.



* 1 megawatt peak (MWp) is the equivalent of 1 million watt peaks. Watt peak is used to measure the power of photovoltaic panels.