CNR: 3 developments in favour of the sustainable development of the Rhodanian territory


Energie et environnement

On 14 June, Compagnie nationale du Rhône (CNR) inaugurated the small hydroelectric power plant and the fish pass in Loriol-sur-Drôme, and the industrial and river site in Le Pouzin. These three projects, which have been awarded the Plan Rhône label, are part of the energy and ecological transition plan supported by France and Europe.

Three developments for an overall territorial project

Representing a total global investment of €31mn, these sites* reflect the vision shared by CNR, local authorities and its partners: combining the development of renewable energies with economic development and environmental protection. These 3 developments would also preserve 360 jobs.

Three facilities in numbers


The small hydropower plant: an installed capacity of 6.6 MW, an annual average production of 46 GWh (the consumption required for 15,000 inhabitants) and a €22.5mn investment

The fishway: 49 basins, a waterfall of almost 11 metres high and an investment of €4.9mn. The fishway promotes fish migration, and the recolonization of the waterway and its tributaries.

The industrial and river site: 1st public harbour in Ardèche with a 40-meter long shared dock, 3,000 sq.m. of space behind the dock for storage, 8.6 hectares of available property, and €3.6mn invested.


The CNR event in Le Pouzin on 14 June, including the inauguration of these three developments and tours of the windfarm and photovoltaic farm, was named EU Energy day. The municipality of Le Pouzin adopts a pro-active policy on renewable energy and has had a windfarm since 2009 and a photovoltaic farm since 2013.


* Loriol-sur-Drôme is in the département of Drôme, and Le Pouzin is in the département of Ardèche.