Open data: discover Caisse des Dépôts' data!

Caisse des Dépôts


Housing, retirement and solidarity, financial activities, investment and territories, human resources: these are the themes of the forty or so data sets now open to everyone on Caisse des Dépôts' Open data portal. They can help you to know it better or to have information that can be useful to you, discover them!

The public portal has been enriched with many data sets and redesigned. Its new version has been in service since 24 September 2019.

Find it out here (in French)

The aim is to develop a constantly evolving public open data portal which regularly incorporates new datasets.

Its 3 aims:

  • Deliver transparency where Caisse des Dépôts' missions are concerned;
  • Provide its partners and customers with relevant information;
  • Share data with the potential of bringing about new services and encouraging new missions.



Open datawhat is it? Open data is data that a public or private organisation makes freely available for everyone to use in the form of digital files, with no technical, legal or financial restrictions. Some local authorities such as Rennes and Paris set an open data initiative in motion as early as 2010. At national level, the Government launched the portal December 2011 (available in English also). The 2016 Act for a Digital Republic lays down the Open by Default principle concerning communicable government data and introduces the notion of government data as a service.