On 27 November, CNP Assurances and Fonds de réserve pour les retraites (FRR)* joined the Net-Zero Asset Owner Alliance: they are committed to ensuring the carbon neutrality of their investment portfolio by 2050. Caisse des Dépôts has been involved in the Alliance since September 2019.
On 28 November Caisse des Dépôts reiterated its commitments at a side event held during the Climate Finance Day.
The Caisse des Dépôts Group has chosen to become carbon neutral by 2050, which represents a major transformation of our economy. Since COP21, we have been playing a pioneering and driving part in the marketplace through our commitments.
Virginie Chapron-du Jeu
Chief Financial Officer of Caisse des Dépôts Group
The Net-Zero Asset Owner Alliance is an initiative supported by the United Nations. The objective is to strengthen and accelerate commitments to implement the Paris Climate Agreement.
Launched in September 2019 at the United Nations Climate Action Summit, the Net-Zero Asset Owner Alliance brings together institutional investors, including Caisse des Dépôts, who commit to making their investment portfolio carbon neutral by 2050. In this way, they wish to contribute to limiting temperature warming to 1.5°C in accordance with the Paris Agreement.
This new alliance, which we helped launch last September, is intended to be a synthesis, with a strong commitment from the United Nations. It brings together asset owners, the ultimate owners of the assets.
Olivier Mareuse
Director of Asset Management, Director of Savings Funds at Caisse des Dépôts
The Alliance wishes to continue to federate other institutional investors in order to rapidly reach critical size, and thus play a key part in decarbonising the global economy and investing in climate change resilience.
Joining the Alliance implies the implementation of three levers of action:
- regularly measuring the alignment of the investment portfolio with the Paris Accord and publishing the progress made ;
- conducting a shareholder dialogue with companies to ensure that they are also moving towards carbon neutrality;
- calling for public policies that support a transition to a carbon-neutral economy.
Current members of the Alliance: Alecta, Allianz, AMF Pension, AXA, Aviva, Caisse des Dépôts, Caisse de Dépôt et Placement du Québec, CalPERS, CNP Assurances, Folksam Group, FRR, Nordea Life and Pension, PensionDanmark, Storebrand, SwissRe and Zurich.
Read the press release
All you need to know about the Alliance
* La Caisse des Dépôts assure, selon les modalités fixées par le décret du 19 décembre 2001, la gestion administrative du FRR.