Launch of a new Sustainability Bond by Caisse des Dépôts a success

Caisse des Dépôts


Energie et environnement

Caisse des Dépôts successfully launched a new €500mn Sustainability Bond maturing on May 25th 2028. For Caisse des Depots, this is the 6th ESG bond issued since 2017 and it attracted a large number of investors: 123 in total.

This transaction was launched from Caisse des Dépôts’ updated Green, Social and Sustainability Bonds Framework dated February 2023.


The funds raised as a result of this transaction will allow financing to green (70%) and social (30%) projects in sectors such as renewable energy, green real estate, transportation and sustainable mobility, decontamination and remediation of site, food transition, access to digital, social and solidarity economy, and social healthcare.


Read the press release and know more

Caisse des Dépôts launches a new Sustainability Bond

All documentation relating to this Sustainability Bond Transaction is available on the dedicated space on Caisse des Dépôts website