Directrice de la communication du Groupe Caisse des Dépôts

Sophie Quatrehomme

Head of Communications, Corporate Sponsorship and Partnerships
  • Holds a post-graduate degree (DEA) in national policies and European policies of the Member States of the European Union and a post-graduate degree (DESS) in European Geopolitics, graduate of Centre national de la fonction publique territoriale (National Centre for the Regional and Local Civil Service) (CNFPT)
  • Parliamentary assistant (2002-2005)
  • Technical adviser on relations with the National Assembly in the cabinet of the Minister in charge of relations with the Parliament (2005-2007)
  • Parliamentary adviser in the cabinet of the Secretary of State for European Affairs (2007-2008)
  • Parliamentary adviser in the cabinet of the Minister for Food, Agriculture and Fisheries (2008-2010)
  • Adviser on relations with the Parliament and the institutional relations of the French Financial Markets Authority (AMF - 2010-2012)
  • Head of cabinet, adviser to the CEO of the Caisse des Dépôts Group (2012-2014)
  • Director of the cabinet of the CEO of the Caisse des Dépôts Group (March 2014), member of the executive committees of Caisse des Dépôts and the Group
  • Director of Group Communication since 18 July 2016 and member of the Executive Committee of the Caisse des Dépôts Group