35 proposals to integrate biodiversity into the post-Covid recovery

CDC Biodiversité

Energie et environnement

In the latest issue of its magazine Biodiv'2050, CDC Biodiversité's Mission on the Economics of Biodiversity presents 35 practical proposals for including biodiversity in the post-Covid recovery. It also includes contributions from CDC Biodiversité, Caisse des Dépôts and its subsidiaries to illustrate these proposals.

The actions taken to contain the Covid epidemic severely hit the economy and led to economic crisis. Awareness of the consequences of the pandemic and the amounts mobilised to revive the economy are a historic opportunity to enter the transition of our model towards a better consideration of the environment and particularly biodiversity.

Integrating biodiversity into the heart of our country's recovery plan would place the whole of society and the economy in a long-term vision, strengthening its resilience and its capacity to adapt.

The Mission on the Economics of Biodiversity (MEB) has developed 35 practical proposals to fully integrate biodiversity into the post-Covid economic system:

  • Actions concerning public policies linked to international, European and national issues and the role of local and regional authorities;
  • Actions to limit pressure on biodiversity (reorientation of business strategy, agri-food transition, development of nature in the city, highlighting the links between biodiversity and health);
  • Supporting actions, particularly in the areas of education, employment, and support for scientists and associations.


Find out more about the 35 proposals in the 6 pages abstract (in French)

Download the complete review to discover the practical contributions of CDC Biodiversité, Caisse des Dépôts and its subsidiaries (in French)