VIVA Lab: valuing innovation that allows people to live independently

Caisse des Dépôts

Banque des Territoires



On 20 February, Caisse nationale d'assurance vieillesse (Cnav), Agirc-Arrco, Caisse centrale de la mutualité sociale agricole (CCMSA), France Active and Banque des Territoires launched VIVA Lab, a system to support technological, technical and organisational innovations in the field of preventing loss of autonomy and ageing well.

Detecting innovation at local level...

The purpose of VIVA Lab is to detect innovative projects that can be replicated at local level. These will benefit from support during their development in order to draw new solutions to prevent the effects of ageing and to support autonomy.

… to support project development

VIVA Lab will offer tailored assistance to project leaders in order to facilitate their project’s maturation and to allow them to test their solutions. These projects must fall into one of the following categories:

  • Fight against social and digital isolation;
  • In-home prevention;
  • Home adjustments;
  • Mobility assistance;
  • Carer support;
  • Collective living spaces for fragile retirees.

Following the support phase, the most promising projects will be supported during their development through investments from various VIVA Lab partners and members. The 2019 campaign is dedicated to combatting isolation and access to digital technology, both of which are major challenges in providing assistance to age well.

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