Banque des Territoires is committed to reinventing the French city hearts

Caisse des Dépôts

Banque des Territoires


Banque des Territoires is committed to supporting the winners of Reinventing Our City Hearts Call for Expressions of Interest. This announcement was made on 19 March at Cité de l'architecture et du patrimoine during the Rencontres nationales Innovations urbaines en cœur de ville, which brought together the elected representatives and partners of the Action cœur de ville programme.

A major actor in the Action Cœur de ville programme since its launch, Banque des Territoires is strengthening its role in supporting the revitalisation of city hearts through innovation.

It provides winners with:

  • a technical and methodological kit, financed by Banque des Territoires up to €120,000, to assist authorities with defining their project and their operational implementation;
  • a budget of €500,000 in engineering loans to fund the necessary strategic studies to secure projects.

To launch these projects, Banque des Territoires will also provide a budget of €100,000 in grants.


Under the Action Cœur de ville programme, which combats the desertion of medium-sized agglomerations, the programme’s partners made a call for expressions of interest from the 222 winning cities on 17 December 2018, titled “Réinventons nos coeurs de ville”. This project aims to facilitate the emergence of innovative urban projects.