Emergency accommodation: Bastion de Bercy, an innovation for the homeless

Caisse des Dépôts

Banque des Territoires

Immobilier et logement

In December 2018, Bastion de Bercy Emergency Shelter Centre was inaugurated in the 12th arrondissement of Paris. Innovation is at the heart of this modular and externally-oriented project, which was financed by a loan of €6.8mn from Caisse des Dépôts' Banque des Territoires, out of a total cost of €8mn.

Modular, moveable and rebuildable

Built in record time - less than 12 months including all studies, authorisations and construction - this centre is modular, moveable and rebuildable, much like its older brother the Emergency Accommodation Centre “La promesse de l’aube” which opened in the 16th arrondissement of Paris in November 2016. Due to the Centre being located on a classified site, the architects of Bâtiments de France were involved in its design.

Expected to accommodate 308 people, of which 1/3 will be families and 2/3 single men and women, Bastion de Bercy provides a roof for individuals and families in situations of great precariousness who are homeless, guided by the emergency and family Integrated reception and guidance services (SIAO) of Paris Bastion de Bercy accommodates them for relatively long periods, on average 3 to 6 months, which provides the association Aurore - which manages the centre - with the time to implement integration actions.

Open to the outside: social entrepreneurs, associations, artists, etc.

Bastion de Bercy is innovative not only through its construction but also due to its openness to the outside: the premises on the ground floor are leased to social entrepreneurs and associations. A host of green spaces, for cultural, musical and theatre activities, are open to all artists, all audiences and all ideas.

The inauguration took place in the presence of Julien Denormandie, minister to the Minister of territorial cohesion and relations with local authorities, in charge of urban affairs and housing, Christelle Dubos, Secretary of State to the Minister of solidarity and health, Laetitia Avia, member of Parliament to the 8th constituency of Paris, Ian Brossat, Deputy Mayor of Paris for sustainable housing, sustainable habitat and emergency accommodation, and Catherine Baratti-Elbaz, Mayor of the 12th arrondissement.

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