Supporting the development of renewable energy throughout the country

Banque des Territoires

Energie et environnement

On 15 January Banque des Territoires signed its largest renewable energy partnership with JP Energie Environnement (JPee), which operates 200 megawatts (MW) of wind and solar farms. The objective: to support the sustainable development of renewable energy in all French regions.

Banque des Territoires has become a 49% shareholder of 200 MW of wind turbine and solar farms owned by JPee. This partnership also includes all projects under development, representing a portfolio of approximately 800 MW, which will accelerate the company’s growth.

This new agreement solidifies the partnership already developed between Banque des Territoires and JPee since 2013 (a wind turbine farm in Centre-Val de Loire, two ground-based solar farms in Nouvelle Aquitaine and Bourgogne Franche Comté).

For Banque des Territoires, the fight against social and territorial inequalities also involves taking climate action: the areas concerned by the agreement with JPee are spread out across the French regions.

Following this operation, Banque des Territoires’ portfolio of wind turbine and solar farms represents a total of 1.2 gigawatts.


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