Bpifrance: 28 companies committed to green growth


Energie et environnement

On 22 October, Bpifrance and Ademe launched the first promotion of the Energy Transition Accelerator. 28 companies in this sector will benefit from a 2-year personalized support to boost their development and face the challenges of tomorrow. The objective: boosting the structuration of the French sector.

We have promising businesses in the green growth sector. The Accelerator has been designed to help expedite their growth and cement their positioning abroad, in their efforts to drive forward

Guillaume Mortelier

Support and Build-Up Fund Executive Director at Bpifrance

28: this is the number of businesses selected to take part in the first intake of this accelerator for the energy transition sector. What do they all have in common? Enthusiasm to share experiences and ideas with peers and seize the market's opportunities, as well as a strong potential for green growth, of course.

Over a two-year period, they will benefit from customised support (including advice, assessments, seminars and networking between managers and with experts in the sector).

According to the French Environment and Energy Management Agency (French acronym: ADEME), there are more than 370,000 jobs in France connected with the energy transition, with a 75% increase between 2006 and 2017*.


To find out more about the 28 businesses selected, you can read the press release (in French)




* See ADEME's press release dated 9 July 2019